

Pythagoras called it the 'Meal of Hercules'. Daniel of the Old Testament referred to it as 'Pulse'. 

As an 8 year old boy, Don heard a story that set his heart and mind racing. The story was about an ancient sacred meal called ‘Pulse’. Eventually he embarked on a 17 year quest into 33 different countries in search of Pulse and long story short, He found it! 

Don’s rediscovery of Pulse has transformed countless lives. By introducing this ancient wisdom to the modern world, people are experiencing it's profound benefits. 

Pulse provides nutrients in a bio-available form, making it easier for the body to utilize everything it needs. Instead of relying on quick fixes, individuals find sustained energy, enhancing their daily lives. Many report a newfound sense of vitality, shedding not just physical weight but also emotional burdens. Pulse also supports those who are underweight in achieving a healthy balance. The nutrient-dense ingredients in Pulse provide the essential fats and proteins needed to build muscle and promote healthy weight gain.

History of Pulse

This ancient recipe is the Original Meal of Daniel the prophet from the old testament. It dates back thousands of years. In Daniel 1:12, Daniel requests to eat only pulse and drink water as a test of his diet compared to the royal food assigned by the King. After 10 days of only eating Pulse, Daniel and his friends were brighter in their countenance and stronger in their flesh than anyone else in the camp. After 3 years of only eating Pulse and drinking water it is said that they were 10 times stronger and smarter than the rest of the kings men.

In Don's studies he discovered that Daniel and Pythagoras were friends, both Olympic wrestlers and scholars (observers of nature). Pulse was shared and cherished at the Pythagorean academy. In order to be at their highest functional capacities Pythagoras and other athletes would eat only Pulse and drink water 40 days prior to the Olympic games.

Pythagoras recognized that our bodies consist of seven energy systems, akin to the seven notes of a musical scale and the seven colours of the rainbow. To achieve harmony, each system must be nourished correctly. He discovered that combining certain foods in precise ratios could enhance health, much like tuning a musical instrument.


Just like Daniel, Pythagoras, and others who crafted Pulse to achieve perfect harmony with nature, we today offer this sacred meal in its precise proportions, True to the original recipe discovered by Don.

Give it a try and experience the difference for yourself!

Thanks for reading : ) 


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