The Original Don Tolman Silver Bullet is a high quality mix of Colloidal Silver and Fulvic acid. It is a chemical-free elemental dietary complement that consists of ultra-fine, microscopic Silver and Fulvic particles in pure water for easy absorption by the body. Fulvic colloidal form is one of the most bioavailable forms of protection as well as inhibitors and is the perfect choice for individuals who dislike additives, flavourings and pill/capsule taking. It aids the immune system in its job of cleaning up bad bacterial, viral or fungal infections.
Nature's Silver Bullet is administered with a glass dropper. It has no flavour; therefore, it tastes just like pure water. Unlike my INTERNAL HOUSE CLEANING SPRAY, this can be used for infections of the eyes, ears and vaginal/penis genital areas.
This solution has no taste, no film and no side effects, other than a healthier you!! It can be used in place of the 'Internal House cleaning spray'.
Throat: Half a dropper applied to the back of the throat, swish it around for 5 seconds then swallow. Repeat at least 5-10 times a day or as needed.
Eyes: Apply 1-2 drops directly in the affected eye several times a day. If you use contacts place 2 drops in each contact storage unit.
Ears: Apply 1-2 drops directly in the affected ear.
Vaginal/genital area: For fungal or virus infections spray or cover area with drops using your finger. In addition, for vaginal cleansing and healing add 1 teaspoon to douching solution of warm water or warm salt water.
Government forced legal WARNING: Consult your doctor to be certain there will be no interaction with medical drugs that you may be currently taking.
Thank you,
The Original Don Tolman Team